117th Table Top Tuesday

I hope everyone had a great weekend and you are all ready for a super week.  With all the great weather, seems like everyone has been doing tons of fluffing inside and outside.  Can’t wait to see it all.

 I went antiquing one day last week, and I had a ball.  I found a super treasure, so of course that meant a new vignette.  Mercury glass, burlap, paris stencil and metal bands with brads.  How frenchy and fun.  This shop had so much to see, (I will show you all the pics tomorrow).

 My favorite corner in the kitchen is where I decided to play.

 Faux croissants, cheese, grapes and fruit in the cake stand.

 My frenchy cow on the scales.

 Some wheat of course.

 and my fabulous new jug. (That’s a reflection of my red shirt on the jug.  lol)

 Love my new treasure and can’t wait to show you all the things in this fabulous shop.  So be sure to come back tomorrow, tons of pics.


Just a friendly reminder, if you would like to receive more comments, please check your blog and make sure that word verification is turned off.  I still see it out there on a ton of blogs and it really isn’t necessary, plus it keeps a lot of bloggers from commenting.

Now lets see what all you guys have been up to.


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