New Dust Ruffle and Comforter

Well, the marathon is finally ending.  I finished the dust ruffle and cut down the comforter to size for the Guest Bedroom.  Yip-Skip, I am almost done.

 Remember I found this comforter brand new at Goodwill for $10 on half off day last year.  I thought it was a full/queen size, but when I got it out it was a king and way too big.  So I had to cut it down.  That was a ton of work since it is so thick and poofy.  I cut both sides down a little and then hand hemed the sides back up.  Then this was the plaid fabric I showed you that I wanted to use for the dust ruffle.  Well, I think they turned out great together.

Hard to get a good picture of the color of both.  The plaid is a mix of brown, camel and red.  I didn’t want a lot of the red showing, so I turned the fabric sideways and pleated it so the red was inside the pleat.  I think it turned out pretty good.

Ok, just a little more fluffing and I can say this is DONE!!!

Hopefully the finished reveal tomorrow.

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