Cool Green For Summer

This is another little corner in the kitchen that I love to play with.

I love the unusual color of my lime hen and of course apples are the perfect color to match.

A basket tray is always a great backdrop for any vignette.

A cheese dome filled with apples is the perfect thing to top my old scales.

A cut little bottle filled with split-peas carries the green color through the whole display.

A demi-john and a rafia covered carafe with a sunflower are the perect finishing touch.

Don’t forget we are having our “Summer Cloche Party” on the 19th instead of Table Top Tuesday.  I hope you are getting all your cloches and containers ready for some super fun.  Also, don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway.  Just click on the button at the top of my sidebar and enter. 

I am linking to the following parties:

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style

Open House Thursday @ No Minimalist Here

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always enjoy your visits.


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