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Taming the Bathroom Vanity

Since my home is builder basic bland, the bathroom cabinets are pretty basic too.  We do at least have 3 drawers, but they are really small.  Trying to make it functional has been a challenge.

With most of the available storage being behind those doors, I really needed some kind of organization. 

Today as I was cleaning, I thought I would show you my really inexpensive solution.  Plastic storage drawers from Big Lots.   This is DH’s side of the vanity, and these storage bins work really well to keep his toiletry items at easy reach.

I got the ones with the small drawers for my side.   No more digging through things to find what I need.

 I have six drawers, (it takes a ton of putty and spackle at my age) so I can keep all the scrubs, creams and makeup seperated and easy to find.

What I didn’t have was all of these sprays and things organized.  When I cleaned the closet a while back, I had this container left over, so I thought it was the perfect solution to hold all the tall bottle and can items.  Now they can’t fall over and roll all over the place.

In the process, this is one of two bags of things that needed to go to the trash.  No tiny bits of something left in a bottle and way out of date.

Nothing earth shattering, but it sure feels good to have this area all clean and organized.  So, how do you manage to keep all of your necessary things under control?

I am linking to Kim @ Savvy Southern Style for WUW.

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.


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