Home » Colorful Farm Animals

Colorful Farm Animals

First I want to thank you all for being so faithful to link to TTT each week.  I am trying to make the rounds to everyone, however I am filling in for a friend who had surgery and so I am working a couple of days a week  in her place now.  I know you will all understand.  So bear with me and I will visit as many as I can.

I have Chicks, Roosters and a Pig in all colors and I love them.

My fun orange rooster from GW.

The lime Chick I found at TJMaxx.

And of course my speckled Rooster & Hen that I’ve had for a while.

When I found this wonderful yellow Pig, I just fell in love.  Had to have him.  He came from HG.

I thought the yellow Pig needed a friend, so I thought I would try and transform this little Rooster.  First I gave him a good sanding to take some of the shine off.

 Then I got out my supplies.  Yellow paint, Mod Podge and Stain.

 A couple of light coats of yellow paint and he looks better already.

 I wanted to give it a crackle finish, but I didn’t have any white glue and I was too lazy to go to the store and get some or some crackle medium.  So, I thinned down some Mod Podge to see if it would work.

 I painted on a coat of the Mod Podge being careful not to go over any of the areas twice and then waited for the crackle.  It never happened.  I know they sell a Porcelain Crackle at Lowe’s, so I will pick up some for the next project.  This was worth a try, but I think the sealer in the MP kept it from cracking.

All wasn’t lost, I just started applying the stain and wiping off until I got the look I was going for.

See it next to the pig.  Pretty close in color.  I didn’t make the Rooster as dirty as the pig, after all, he is a little bit more proud and cleaner. lol  See the Crystal Clear can in the background.  When he dries I will give him a good coat so he will shine really pretty.

All finished and I love it.  Now I’m working on a vignette.  I’ll show you later.

I am linking to:

Wow Us Wednesday @ Savvy Southern Style

Whassup Wednesday @ Elements Interiors

                                       Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Chic Cottage

Thanks so much for stopping by, I always look forward to your visits.


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