Home » Met Monday – Changing and Redoing

Met Monday – Changing and Redoing

Much thanks to Susan @ Between Naps On The Porch for hosting this fun party. Be sure to check out her post to see what she’s created and a list of all the other participants.I am so ready for spring, so time to change out the winter decor in the living/dining room. This is the winter look.Now for a little spring look. I am adding some blue/white and yellow. This room gets a lot of light, so excuse the glare.Just changing out the pillows and accessories makes a huge change in the feel of the room.I’ve changed out the brass lamps for white ones that I found at Gw. I love having more white in this room.This is the end table I showed you last Table Top Tuesday.Well, as usual with pulling out all the blue and white, I fluffed a little more and changed it up a little.I added a tassel to the lamp to glam it up and placed the wonderful little bottle that my friend Ceekay made me next to it.I put my little lady under a cloche and added some pearls to my granddaughters picture. I like this better.Be sure to come by for Table Top Tuesday and I will show you some of the other tables. I really like the different dining room arrangement I made. (Such a tease!)Thanks so much for stopping by. I really do appreciate your visits.


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