Home » Table Top Tuesday – Blue and White

Table Top Tuesday – Blue and White

The wonderful Barb @ Grits And Glamour is our gracious hostess for Table Top Tuesday. I so look forward to seeing all the wonderful vignettes everyone creates. Be sure to check her blog to see her latest creation and a list of all the participants.I know I just showed you all of my latest blue and white finds, but I just had to play with them a little, so I did a new vignette on the dining room buffet.I really like the mix of light and dark blue and all the different patterns together.My cute little bunny just thought he would hide under the cloche. Cute little face.This rooster is so proud with his head held so high and the cut out pattern in his body is so neat.I really like the dark blue and shape of this vase.I had some faux orchids, so I thought they added a little height to the vase.The orb elevated on some books with the 3 candlesticks finish off this end of the table.The yellow in the plate, orchids and candles just seem to add a ton of life to the arrangement. Can you tell that I like to play with accessories? lol It is so fun to have enough blue and white to work with. I can’t wait to find a few more things.Thank you so much for stopping by. I really do appreciate your visits.


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